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Azione – Apprendisti in armi

Azione – Apprendisti in armi

On the latest issue (April 1st, 2019) of Azione, you can look at my reportage on Young Shooters’s Course in Lugano, Canton Ticino, Switzerland.

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The New Yorker – Guns in America

The New Yorker – Guns in America

“The link between America’s lax gun laws and the violence that fuels immigration » in The New Yorker from March 22, 2018, with a picture from my guns in America’s reportage.

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Azione – I garanti della sicurezza

Azione – I garanti della sicurezza

On the latest issue (October 2, 2017) of Azione, you can look at two pages on the TPO (Transport Police) of the Swiss Federal Railways. "I garanti della sicurezza" in Azione (PDF) More pictures on www.didierruef.com

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LAC Lugano. Swiss Press Photo 2016

LAC Lugano. Swiss Press Photo 2016

The Swiss Press Photo 2016 is exhibited at the LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura. The curators have selected three pictures on Guns in America, from my reportage shot for the weekly Swiss french magazine L’illustré.

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Edito – Swiss love guns

Edito – Swiss love guns

On Edito 01/2017, my pictures from an ongoing project about Swiss people and their love for guns. Edito (PDF) More pictures on www.didierruef.com

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Azione – Se il fucile è donna

Azione – Se il fucile è donna

On the web site of Azione from October 31, 2016, a photo essay about women and guns in America with a text by Xavier Filliez. More pictures on didierruef.com.

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NZZ am Sonntag – USA. Women love guns

NZZ am Sonntag – USA. Women love guns

“Mit den Waffen der Frau” in NZZ am Sonntag (PDF) On the latest issue (May 15th, 2016) of NZZ am Sonntag, you can look at eight pages on guns in the USA. More pictures on the website: http://www.didierruef.com

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