An interview on April 21 2021 by Maria Pia Belloni and Elisa Manca on Uno Oggi ” Fermo Immagine. Fotogiornalismo tra storie ed attualità” (RSI Rete Uno) about the state of Photojournalism today.
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Swiss Confederacy
RSI Rete Due – Una foto al giorno
An interview by Monica Bonetti on Voci dipinte (RSI Rete Due) on January 17th, 2020 about my next book 2020 which will published by Till Schaap Edition.
Area – Homo Helveticus
On the latest issue (September 13th, 2019) of Area, you can read an article about “la mia Svizzera sense parole” on my book Homo Helveticus
Homo Helveticus on sale at Fnac in Geneva
Thanks to my friend Miroslav Nortik for shooting this picture of my book Homo Helveticus on sale at Fnac bookshop in Geneva.
Homo Helveticus – Lecture at Carona Immagina
Thanks to Carona Immagina for inviting me to give a lecture about my book Homo Helveticus on June 15th, 2019.
Homo Helveticus at Carona Immagina
Thanks to Luciano Bignotti and Carona Immagina for the invitation to present my work about Homo Helveticus on June 15th, 2019 at 22.00.
Homo Helveticus at Artespressione Gallery, Milan. Italy.
Thanks to Artespressione Gallery, Paula Nora Seegy and Matteo Pacini, for the invitation to show my work about Homo Helveticus during Milano Photo Week 2019 (June 6-30, 2019).
Homo Helveticus at Horizonte Zingst, Germany.
Thanks to the photo festival Horizonte Zingst in Germany for giving me the opportunity to exhibit 10 pictures from my book Homo Helveticus.
Fotointern – Homo Helveticus at Horizonte Zingst, Germany.
Thanks to Foto Intern for the article about the Swiss exhibit at the photo festival Horizonte Zingst in Germany. I will be showing 10 pictures from my book Homo Helveticus.
Horizonte Zingst, Germany. May 25 – June 12, 2019 / Homo Helveticus
Thanks to Horizonte Zingst in Germany for the invitation to present my work about Homo Helveticus during the photo festival.
Artespressione. Milano, Italy. June 6-30, 2019 / Homo Helveticus
Thanks to Paula Nora Seegy and Artespressione Gallery for the invitation to present my work about Homo Helveticus during the Milano Photo Week 2019.
LFI – Homo Helveticus
On the web site of LFI from May 2nd, 2019, you can look at a selection of pictures from my book Homo Helveticus
Le Matin Dimanche – Homo Helveticus
On the latest issue (April 21th, 2019) of Le Matin Dimanche, you can read an article about ” Gros plan sur l’Helvète” on my book Homo Helveticus.
Société de Lecture, Genève – Homo Helveticus
Thanks to Magali Dougados for taking my portrait before my lecture at Société de Lecture in Geneva, Switzerland.
The Guardian – Homo Helveticus
On the web site of The Guardian from April 9th, 2019, you can look at a selection of pictures from my book Homo Helveticus