Thanks to Heidi and Robert Mertens for publishing the book Inspiration Leica Akademie with a picture shot in Albania.
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Homo Helveticus – Inspiration Leica Akademie
Thanks to Heidi and Robert Mertens for publishing the book Inspiration Leica Akademie with selected pictures from Homo Helveticus.
Recycle – Inspiration Leica Akademie
Thanks to Heidi and Robert Mertens for publishing the book Inspiration Leica Akademie with selected pictures from Recycle.
Inspiration Leica Akademie
Thanks to Heidi and Robert Mertens to have publish the book Inspiration Leica Akademie with selected pictures from Recycle, Homo Helveticus and Albania.
LFI – Homo Helveticus
On the web site of LFI from May 2nd, 2019, you can look at a selection of pictures from my book Homo Helveticus
The Leica Camera Blog Schweiz / Suisse – L’Albanie dans le viseur du Leica CL
On the web site of the Leica Camera Blog, a photo reportage about the itinerant photographic workshop. The trip was organized by Géo Découverte with our partner Leica Store Genève
Albania 2018 – Workshop
We lived an unique experience in Albania during an itinerant photographic workshop last May.
Take off today to Albania for Photo Workshop
Live an unique experience in Albania during an itinerant photographic workshop.
Albania – Photography journey 2018
"Between fresco and hammer" Photographic journey in Albania, May 19-27, 2018 Live an unique experience in Albania during an itinerant photographic workshop. Details of the trip are available in French, but both photographer and guide speak fluent English, Italian and...
“Animals’ World” at Leica Gallery Salzburg
Didier Ruef "Animals' world" photo exhibit at Leica Gallery in Salzburg, Austria.
Photo exhibit: Animals’ World
Animals’ World exhibition at Leica Galerie Salzburg (Austria) From April 11th, 2014 to May 31st, 2014 Didier Ruef will be present at 18:30 on April 10th, 2014 for the opening of his photo exhibit.
“Animals’ World” television interview
Didier Ruef interviewed by german television about the photo exhibit "Animals' World" at Leica Gallery in Zingst, Germany. More info about this exhibition click here.
“Animals’ world” photo exhibit
Didier Ruef "Animals' world" photo exhibit at Leica Gallery in Zingst, Germany. External links Fotogloria Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Exklusiv
Galerie Zingst
Animals' World exhibition at Leica Galerie Zingst (Germany) From October 4th, 2013 to March 21st, 2014
Leica Galerie Zingst – Animals’ world
Didier Ruef "Animals' world" exhibition at Leica Galerie Zingst in Germany from October 4th, 2013. Animals' world is a personal project shot over the years. My pictures show with tenderness and humor the coexistence of Humans and Animals and the diversities of their...