On the latest issue (October 5th, 2020) of Azione, you can look at the pictures I shot last year in Nagorno-Karabakh while in reportage with the journalist Harald Maass.
Search results:
NZZ am Sonntag – War in Nagorno-Karabakh
On the latest issue (October 4th 2020) of NZZ am Sonntag, you can look on page 5 at the reportage we did a year ago with the journalist Harald Maass in Nagorno Karabakh.
Choisir – Haut-Karabagh, une guerre aux portes de l’Europe
Cicero – Der längste Krieg in Bergkarabach
On the latest issue (June 25th 2020) of Cicero, you can look at the reportage we did with the journalist Harald Maass in Nagorno Karabakh.
RSI ReteDue – JFK and Papo
A radio comment about the image "JFK and Papo". [Moby Dick, RSI Rete 2 – April 1st, 2017]
RSI ReteDue – Michelle, ma belle
A radio comment about Michelle Obama's images.
Area – Passatori di diritti
On the latest issue (December 23, 2016) of Area, you can look at my picture on African migrants in Como. More pictures on the website didierruef.com.
Global – Von Alliance Sud ins Bild gesetzt
On the autumn issue (Herbst, 2016) of Global+Alliance Sud, you can look at my picture on African migrants in Como, Italy. You can see the pdf of Global+ Alliance Sud. More pictures on the website didierruef.com.
RSI ReteDue – African migrants in Como, Italy
A radio comment about the image "African migrants in Como, Italy". [Moby Dick, RSI Rete 2 – September 17th, 2016]
Area – Ai confini dell’umanità
On the latest issue (August 26, 2016) of Area, you can look at my picture on African migrants in Como. More pictures on the website didierruef.com.
L’illustré – Refoulés à la frontière
"Refoulés à la frontière" in L'illustré (PDF) On the latest issue (August 17th, 2016) of L'illustré, you can look at six pages on African migrants in Como. More pictures on the website didierruef.com