Ce workshop est axé autour de la Fête de la Musique en y associant la prise d’images et le reportage photographique.
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Leica Store Genève
Fête de l’escalade. Photographies et éditing – Leica Akademie Suisse. 11-12 Décembre 2020 – 12 Janvier 2021
Join us for a photo workshop during the ” Fête de l’escalade” in Geneva.
Leica Store Genève / Vernissage – 2020
Didier Ruef during the 2020 book vernissage on Friday 15th October at Leica Store Genève .
Leica Store Genève / Vernissage – 2020
Please join me for a 2020 book vernissage on Friday 15th October at 17hoo in Leica Store Genève.
Albania – Entre terre et mer. Travel Photo Workshop. September 10-17, 2020
Live an unique experience during a travel photographic workshop in Albania. Details are available in French, but the photographer speaks also fluent English, Italian and German
Albania – Entre histoire et contemporanéité. Travel Photo Workshop. May 9-17, 2020
Live an unique experience during a travel photographic workshop in Albania. Details are available in French, but the photographer speaks also fluent English, Italian and German
Fête de Santa Domenica, Scorrano (Italie). Workshop Photographique avec la Leica Academie Suisse / July 4-8, 2019
Photographic workshop during “Festa di santa Domenica” in Scorrano (Apulia), Italy, July 4-8, 2019
Les Processions de la Semaine sainte à Mendrisio / Workshop Photographique avec la Leica Academie Suisse
“Les Processions de la Semaine sainte à Mendrisio. Photographic workshop in Mendrisio, Switzerland, April 18 -20, 2019
Homo Helveticus on sale at Leica Store Genève
My book Homo Helveticus is on sale at Leica Store Genève in Downtown Geneva. The book Fractures is a book published by my friend, Olivier Vogelsang. We both were together when our books were printed by EBS / Editorial Bortolazzi-Stei.
Albania – Photography journey 2019
“Pèlerinage au pays des Bekstashis”. Photographic journey in Albania, August 17-25, 2019. Live an unique experience in Albania during an itinerant photographic workshop.
L’art de l’éditing photographique. Workshop – Leica Akademie Switzerland. Sept 1, 2018
The workshop will take place in the Humanit’Art gallery (Rue du Diorama 14, 1205 Genève) on Saturday 1st of September. The participants will be guided to their own way of looking at their projects and in editing their work.
L’art de l’éditing photographique. Workshop – Leica Akademie Switzerland. Sept 1, 2018
The workshop will take place in the Humanit’Art gallery ( Rue du Diorama 14, 1205 Genève) on Saturday 1st of September. The participants will be guided to their own way of looking at their projects and in editing their work.
The Leica Camera Blog Schweiz / Suisse – L’Albanie dans le viseur du Leica CL
On the web site of the Leica Camera Blog, a photo reportage about the itinerant photographic workshop. The trip was organized by Géo Découverte with our partner Leica Store Genève
Albania 2018 – Workshop
We lived an unique experience in Albania during an itinerant photographic workshop last May.