On the latest issue (August 10th, 2022) of L’illustré, you can look at my reportage on six pages about the national “mova”jamboree of the Swiss Scout Movement in the Goms valley, Valais State in Switzerland.
Search results:
Écho Magazine – Tessin. Les forces spéciales à l’assaut !
On the latest issue (May 26th, 2022) of Écho Magazine, you can look at the six pages’ reportage about Special Intervention Unit,Ticino State Police (Switzerland).
Azione – Operazione Timone
On the latest issue (May 23rd, 2022) of Azione, you can look at the reportage about Special Intervention Unit,Ticino State Police (Switzerland).
Azione – L’unione ri(ge)nera la forza dei sanitari
On the latest issue (November 30th, 2020) of Azione, you can look at the reportage I did with the journalist Maria Grazia Buletti in Ticino about Coronavirus, militia soldiers from medical troops of the Swiss Army and the intensive unit in hospitals.
Azione – Une guerra dimenticata ma non troppo. Nagorno-Karabakh
On the latest issue (October 5th, 2020) of Azione, you can look at the pictures I shot last year in Nagorno-Karabakh while in reportage with the journalist Harald Maass.
NZZ am Sonntag – War in Nagorno-Karabakh
On the latest issue (October 4th 2020) of NZZ am Sonntag, you can look on page 5 at the reportage we did a year ago with the journalist Harald Maass in Nagorno Karabakh.
Choisir – Haut-Karabagh, une guerre aux portes de l’Europe
Écho Magazine – Une terre déchirée au Haut-Karabagh
On the latest issue (June 25th 2020) of Écho Magazine, you can look at the reportage we did with the journalist Harald Maass in Nagorno Karabakh.
Cicero – Der längste Krieg in Bergkarabach
On the latest issue (June 25th 2020) of Cicero, you can look at the reportage we did with the journalist Harald Maass in Nagorno Karabakh.
Azione – Scende in campo l’esercito
On the latest issue (April 14th, 2020) of Azione, you can look at my reportage about Covid-19 and the Swiss Army on “Scende in campo l’esercito”.
Swissinfo – Le secourisme est aussi une passion
On the web site of Swissinfo from January 12th, 2019, a photo reportage my reportage on the Croce Verde Lugano and the daily work of paramedics saving lives in Ticino, Switzerland.
Écho Magazine – Les visages de la Croix Verte
On the latest issue (September 27, 2018) of Écho Magazine, you can look at my reportage on the Croce Verde Lugano and the daily work of paramedics saving lives in Ticino, Switzerland.
Écho Magazine – Au coeur du sauvetage aérien
On the latest issue (June 21, 2018) of Écho Magazine, you can look at six pages on on the work of Rega in Ticino, Switzerland.
Swissinfo – En voyage avec la police des trains
On the web site of Swissinfo from June 2, 2018, a photo reportage about the work during days and nights of TPO police officers of Swiss Federal Railways Transport Police.
Azione – Soccorritori per scelta
On the latest issue (June 11, 2018) of Azione, you can look at my reportage on the Croce Verde Lugano and the daily work of paramedics to save lives in Ticino, Switzerland.